Friday, March 23, 2012

It was an accident

We have been potty training for what seems like forever. Ok probably only a year, but in potty training years that is a long time. Abigail our stubborn one has decided she is doing it her way. Which was not at all.

We tried rewards. That worked for a little bit until she ate all the candy and then stopped going in the potty again. Boo Stinker.

We tried cold water on the bum. She hated it but not enough to stop having accidents. She would just ask if she had to have a cold shower. Ok not working.

We tried taking away a toy. She has too many toys.

We took away her favorite purple blanket. She... WHAT? That was the one. She doesn't like to not have her purple blanket. It's a sad sad day. So the rule was if she had an accident she lost her blanket until she went a full day with no accidents.

Surprise surprise. It didn't take her very long to decide she wanted her purple blanket. So the accidents have been very few since then.

The other night Noah yells from outside the girls bathroom that there was poop on the floor.

WHAT?? Who pooped on my floor. AND GROSS. Why would you poop on the floor?

Guess who got blamed? Abby. She has never pooped on the floor but I thought maybe she had had an accident and tried to clean herself up. So I asked her. She was adamant it wasn't her. So I went upstairs to check out the poop and clean it up.

It wasn't her. It was Foster the dog. He's old and is losing control of some of his functions. Anyway I laughed and told Abby I was glad she got to keep her blanket. Here's how our talk went...

"I'm so glad it wasn't you, and I don't have to take away your blanket"

A: "me too. What are we going to take away from Foster?"

M: "What?"

A: "Foster had an accident. I think we need to take away his ball."

M: chuckling "ok, sounds good."

So I cleaned up the poop went downstairs and started the dishes.

10 minutes later....

A: " Here mom."

M: "What is that?"

A: "Foster's ball. Where should we put it?"

M: "Just set it on the counter."

I have no idea where she found Foster's ball, but she was not letting an accident happen with out some sort of consequence. She is so funny. I think she has finally got the point and now no one is safe.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In like a lion...

Isn't there something about March coming in like a lion and out like a lamb? Well the lion is in full force and it's disguised as the stomach flu.

Last week I decided to take Dave on March 1 to a Blazer game in Portland as part of his 12 dates of Christmas. (it's a date night once a month that I plan) So we had his mom come stay with the kids for the night and went to the game and then spent the night at the Heathman Hotel. Kinda weird to spend the night at a hotel instead of my parents but we were after all on a date.

We picked up Abby from school and took her to meet Grandma in Tacoma. Not five minutes after we left she started to throw up and did so the rest of the night. Sad Sad Sad. I hate it when my kids are sick. I thought she was having car sickness, but nope, turns out to be the stomach flu. So we get home, of course abby is feeling better. We have a great night of Puss and Boots.

Saturday arrives and the boys go shooting and us girls hang out and work on some house things. That night we go see The Lorax. Cute movie. The family enjoyed it. Then guess what? Yep...kid number 2 gets it. In this case kid 2 is Sydney not Jacob. I thought we were doing good since she only got sick once. Yay!! Not so lucky she was worse the next night. So by the time Monday rolls around she has to miss school.

Monday Night or actually Tuesday morning kid number 3 gets it. That would be Jacob. I see a little pattern here. He was so sick for all of Tuesday. Today Wednesday he was better but still stayed home from school.

As I look at the time frames and patterns involved in this yucky bug, my calculations predict that Noah is next and it should be tonight. I'm wondering if I should take a nap now? And if this is correct it means Dave will get it next with me bringing up the rear. The worst part is he is supposed to go out of town. So he might be sick at his meetings and I'll be sick while he's gone. Boooo!!!!

But as Dave told me... I am not getting sick. I refuse to. So I'm going to hope and pray that the rest of us get out of getting the bug. I've been lysoling like crazy. I'm sure that's not a word. But I just invented it. :) So maybe that will help.

I'm also going to hope that the rest of the month gets better, because right now I'm not really liking the first week.