Saturday, December 10, 2011

I'm trying....sort of

Wow. Where has the time gone? This year was crazy. I swear it was 3 years rolled into one. At least that's what it feels like. I know I missed so many things to write on here. I keep trying to go back and get everything in, but I'm pretty sure that's a lost cause. Mainly because I can't figure out, yet again, how to get my pictures off the camera. I'm missing the usb cord or whatever. I think it might be because I'm technologically challenged.

Anyway.... my point is I'm just haven't been in the right state of mind to get everything on here. I feel like all I do is go go go. Next Friday I'm going again. To Utah...Next year I hope to actually get to know the people here in Woodinville. I think out of 2 1/2 months I've been to church 4 times. Not a good record.

We have the church Christmas party tonight, which I made rolls for, but fell asleep so they got a little too big and now they look ugly. Smell yummy but still not the prettiest. I'll try to put them in something without my name on it so people don't know I made them. That'll make me feel better. :)

Anyway, my plan is to do better at getting things posted and remembering the fun things we do.

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