I went through every pair of jeans in the house. I looked under the bed. I checked in the bathroom. I looked in my bag which I know they weren't in there, but maybe right? I finally got dressed and decided to take Foster (the dog) on a walk to Tolovana Park. The kids had ridden their bikes there and I wanted to go see them play for a minute.
Guess what? I found my jeans. They were at the park. They were on my son. My 10 year old Noah was wearing my favorite jeans.
The scary thing is when did he get so big that he mistook my jeans for his? When did my baby get this way? On the other hand...does this mean his jeans will fit me? If this is the case my wardrobe just doubled. :)
Glad I found my jeans. Sad I have to wash them again because he is a boy and played like one while wearing them.
very funny!