Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Finally after a year and a half we have sold our Oregon house!! Yay Yay Yay!

I loved my house in Oregon I wanted to move that house here. This is a picture of it when we bought it so the outside looks a little different. It gave us a couple of great years. Our family really grew in that house. Literally, Abby was the last child born to our family and this was her first house. Of course when we needed to sell our house the market fell. Lovely. So we have been holding onto it for a while. Not really by choice.

In October we watched the LDS General Conference. President Eyring talked about getting out of debt and what he and his wife did to get out of debt. Well we own two houses.... That's a lot of debt. So Dave and I took to heart his words and excersised our faith. We started praying for the sale of our house. I had thought about doing this before but felt it was a really selfish thing so pray about. But....heeding President Eyring's words we did.

Not even two days later our realtor called and said we got an offer. This was our first offer ever. We countered once and they countered once and then we accepted the offer. I'm not one miss the boat so to speak. I don't like boats but if it's the only way I'm taking it. Anyway very quickly things started happening and last Thursday I got a call from the title company telling me I had one hour to sign my end of the paperwork so they could close the next day. WHAT? A little notice would have been nice, but I raced to get the paperwork notorized and overnighted.

In exactly one month, we got an offer and closed on our house. I am truly grateful for the power of prayer, and I will try to remember to ask for help when I need it. I guess there is nothing too small. Heavenly Father will always give me an answer. I know it won't always be what I want, but in this instance it was what we wanted and needed. So as we head into the thanksgiving season, I am truly thankful for my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. I am thankful for my family and friends and all the blessings I truly am able to enjoy. I am thankful to those who keep our country free and protect us and I love this country we live in.

I said before that I loved my house in Oregon, and I did, now I am really glad to be rid of it. I'm a bit of a traitor to it, because I really really really, love, love love my house here in Idaho.

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