Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Best Hubby Ever

I have the best hubby ever. Ok I know that all of you probably think you do. As you should.


I have had many friends. Some I've had for most of my life. Some I've had for a few years. Some I have had for only a short time. I have been through many experiences with my friends. Happy ones, sad ones, angry ones, funny ones and scary ones. I feel that I am a loyal friend. I will try to do all I can for you. I am a generally trusting friend.

Unfotunately I am also a needy friend. I am a moody friend. And I am a grudge holding friend. I'm working on these last three. But if you are willing to stick with me...I think the good out weigh the bad.

You are probably wondering why I'm talking about friends. Well I have only one best best best friend. It is my hubby. He has truly stuck with me thru thick and thin. He supports my outbursts of opinion. He also supports my serious mood swings. He is the best thing to ever happen to me. I am so grateful to have him in my life.

So yesterday I had one of those days. I didn't feel good. I was sick of the kids. I wanted a break. My break is coming in April when we go to Mexico. So I called my hubby and told him I loved him and needed a vacation. He agreed.

He called me back and said he had a babysitter lined up and would next weekend work for me? Awesome. Yes. We have been going back and forth on where to go. We talked about Las Vegas. I love me some LV. I am thinking that a nice quiet getaway would be good. So we are looking at McCall a couple hours up the road in the mountains and snow. It sounds just like what I need.

Thanks again hubby. You are truly the best. I love you.

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