We couldn't have had a better Christmas than we had this year. I think everyone got what they wanted and then some. What a wonderful blessing to enjoy it with Mom and Dad, aka Grandma and Grandpa Parker. We were truly blessed.
Turns out he was pulling a little trick on his dad. "I'm kidding dad. I just thought it was funny." Well we must have been standing a little too close to Santa still because he heard what Jacob said and must have decided to give a little demonstration. Anyway Christmas morning there was a box of three "rotten" eggs sitting on top of Jacob's present. I think his lesson was learned but secretly I think he is really excited about his eggs because he won't let me throw them away yet.
The biggest suprise came when Noah found a glove on the tree and tied to it was a key. A key to what? Lots and lots of fun and it was pointed to the garage. Here is what we found.
Abigail also got a bike. Her's isn't motorized and plays lots of Dora the Explorer songs, but she thinks it's pretty awesome. You can sort of see it on the right side of the picture.
Noah figured out the bike pretty quick and really enjoyed riding it up and down the street. You know getting used to the feel. Sydney thinks she can ride it by herself and was a little irked that Dave rode on the back of it with her. Which was a good thing because she only learned to ride a two wheel bike about a month ago, without training wheels.
So even though the material side of Christmas decided to "throw up" all over the Hannant house, we still know the true meaning of Christmas. ******* We are grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ and the sacrifices he has made for us in our lives. We are grateful for the giving and service we get to experience this time of year as we celebrate his birth and this year we are going to try to continue it on for the rest of the year. So as we start to go into next year we are thinking of things to change and make better, and truly are thankful for all we have been given this year.
Merry Christsmas!!
Merry Christmas! I love you guys!