Every morning I put on my make up one of them wants "lips". That's what they call lipstick. I think it's cute. Sometimes they will ask for cheeks, which is blush and of course we know what eyes are. Usually I can get away with lip gloss and a quick swipe of the brush over their cheeks.
I don't know why as children our skin looks so beautiful and now as an adult I look at myself with makeup and think, wow you look tired and blochy.
When I cut my hair short Sydney decided that she wanted short hair too so while I was bathing the baby she cut her hair. Today Sydney decided she wanted to do her eyes. So she proceeded to color them with green marker. And not just her's Abigails too. I wish I had taken a picture with the dark green on their eyes. It was very WOW!!!
I wasn't sure if it was sharpie or washable. It was neither. Now they have a faint sickly green ring around their eyes. Why didn't they do it next week. At least then it is Halloween. So tonight I will take my green eyed monsters with my blue eyed boys to the Harvest Festival at the school and hope it's not so noticable.
Here are their mug shots.
Check out that dirty mug. But such pretty eyes.
Look at those pretty eyes, oh and see the bit of green on her lids.
Partners in crime. At least they are cute. It really is their saving grace.
Actually had Dave been there its quite possible his eyelids would have been colored green too. :) They are beautiful and have gorgeous big blue eyes.